Contact | Directions

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Our contact data

Ing. Karl Than­hofer GmbH
Innbachtal­straße 40
4633 Kematen / Innbach

Tel. +43 7247 6623


Office hours

Monday 07.00–12.00 12.30–15.45
Tues­day 07.00–12.00 12.30–15.45
Wed­nes­day 07.00–12.00 12.30–15.45
Thursday 07.00–12.00 12.30–15.45
Fri­day 07.00–12.30

Pickup and Delivery hours

Monday 07.00–12.00 12.30–15.00
Tues­day 07.00–12.00 12.30–15.00
Wed­nes­day 07.00–12.00 12.30–15.00
Thursday 07.00–12.00 12.30–15.00
Fri­day 07.00–11.30

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